This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Jurnal Risalah Kenotariatan is a media each semester used as dissemination of research and dedication or conceptual study of the law and the kenotarian. The journal is published in two numbers in a year (June and December). The journal contains the results of the dedication, or conceptual study (a result of thought) on the law, Constitution, and notarian, as well as legal issues of Kenotaryans and the state that have never been published in other media. Jurnal Risalah Kenotariatan is issued to experts, academics, practitioners, state organizers, NGOs, and other legal supervisors.


Published: 2020-12-29

Status Hukum WNI Eks ISIS Dalam Perspektif Hukum Internasional

AD Basniwati, Sofwan Sofwan, Lalu Guna Nugraha, Diva Pitaloka

Kebijakan Jaminan Sosial Pekerja Migran Indonesia

Lalu Adi Adha, Zaeni Asyhadie, Rahmawati Kusuma