Upaya Pencegahan Konflik Terkait Peralihan Hak Atas Tanah Melalui Jual Beli
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Legal counseling activities regarding EFFORTS TO PREVENT CONFLICT RELATED TO TRANSFER OF LAND RIGHTS THROUGH SELLING AND BUYING were held in Sesela Village, Gunung Sari District, West Lombok Regency on Friday 27 July 2022. The methods used in this counseling were lecture and discussion methods. The benefits of this legal counseling activity are expected to be able to help the government (National Land Agency) in order to increase public understanding regarding efforts to prevent conflicts related to the transfer of land rights through buying and selling.
The implementation of legal counseling activities runs in an orderly, safe and smooth manner and in accordance with health protocols. The legal counseling participants took part in the activity with a high sense of enthusiasm, because the legal counseling material delivered by the presenters was felt to be very useful by the people of Sigerongan Village, because the material presented included Transfer of Land Rights through the Sale and Purchase of Land Bag Rights which can be sold buying and selling, Efforts are being made to avoid conflicts or problems in the sale and purchase of land rights. So that this legal counseling can provide enlightenment (insight) to the community
The implementation of legal counseling activities runs in an orderly, safe and smooth manner and in accordance with health protocols. The legal counseling participants took part in the activity with a high sense of enthusiasm, because the legal counseling material delivered by the presenters was felt to be very useful by the people of Sigerongan Village, because the material presented included Transfer of Land Rights through the Sale and Purchase of Land Bag Rights which can be sold buying and selling, Efforts are being made to avoid conflicts or problems in the sale and purchase of land rights. So that this legal counseling can provide enlightenment (insight) to the community
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How to Cite
Arief, A. R., Wahyuningsih, W., Andriyani, S., & Mulada, D. A. . (2023). Upaya Pencegahan Konflik Terkait Peralihan Hak Atas Tanah Melalui Jual Beli . Jurnal Risalah Kenotariatan, 4(2). https://doi.org/10.29303/risalahkenotariatan.v4i2.127
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